Trials by leading animal research bodies and universitiesFeeding a transition milk replacer during the first 10 days of life increases milk production of Holstein Friesian heifers during first lactation
Heifers fed a transition milk replacer in their first 10 days of life produced a remarkable 947 litres more milk in their first lactation compared to a similar group fed a skim-based milk replacer, new research has shown.
How feeding transition milk can optimise baby calf development and performance
A trial has shown weight gain advantages and improved health in calves fed a transition milk (TM) replacer for the 21 days immediately following colostrum feeding.
Baby calves fed transition milk excel in their first lactation in both milk yield and quality
Heifers fed a transition milk replacer in their first 10 days of life produced a remarkable 947 litres more milk in their first lactation compared to a similar group fed a skim-based milk replacer, new research has shown.
Transition milk stimulates intestinal development of neonatal Holstein calves
Colostrum stimulates gastrointestinal development. Similar to colostrum, transition milk (TM; the first few milkings after colostrum) contains elevated nutrient levels and bioactive components not found in milk replacer (MR), albeit at lower levels than the first colostrum.
Upper THI index and stress
In this study, upper critical values of the temperature-humidity index (THI) were determined in Holstein bull calves (n = 16) based on noninvasive physiological variables. Meteorological and animal-based data were recorded for a 4-d period following a 24-h habituation.
Heat stress through 1st lactation
Calves born to cows exposed to heat stress during late gestation (i.e., the dry period) have lower birth weight and weaning weight and compromised passive immune transfer compared with those born to dams that are cooled.
Heat stress all life cycle
Heat stress has a myriad of effects on dairy cattle across the life cycle. Whereas, the most commonly recognized impacts are associated with production responses, emerging evidence indicates that heat stress profoundly alters the immune response of calves and cows, from the prenatal stage through lactation.
Heat stress & organs
Heat stress causes significant negative responses in the dairy industry. The
objective of this study was to assess the eect of heat stress on the autophagy and apoptosis of the rumen, abomasum, duodenum, liver and kidney in calves.
Factors affecting calves
Data were collected prospectively on parameters related to first calving on 18 farms located in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This project was designed to study possible residual effects of calf management practices and events occurring during the first 16 wk of life on age, BW, skeletal growth, and body condition score at
first calving.
Early life heat stress
Heat stress has well-known influences on dairy calf physiology, but less is understood about calf behavioral responses to heat
stress. Herein, we evaluated milk replacer intake, standing activity, and lying behaviors of calves exposed to prenatal or postnatal heat
stress or both.
Heat stress in heifers during the Milky phase
Learn more about the effects of heat stress on animals and how a nutritional solution can mitigate the negative effects of heat stress during the milky phase.
French Shine Trial on Rumen development
Immune Supporting Properties of Milk
Part 4: Remaining members of the innate immune system in milk – The oxidase enzymes, milk fat globule membrane and osteopontin
Immune supporting properties of milk
Immune Supporting Properties of Milk
Part 4: Remaining members of the innate immune system in milk – The oxidase enzymes, milk fat globule membrane and osteopontin
Effect of transition milk on the small intestine of neonatal calves
Feeding colostrum or a 1:1 colostrum: milk mixture for 3 days postnatal increases small intestinal development and minimally influences plasma glucagon-like peptide-2 and serum insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations in Holstein bull calves.
The role of curding and non-curding calf milk replacers in NZ calf-rearing systems
Calf milk replacers (CMRs) are typically formulated from a range of lower-value milk products and may have reduced curding
ability when casein proteins are absent or denatured. Whilst there are industry claims that vealer calves in Europe can be reared on
such CMRs, there is no NZ data to substantiate these claims.
Calf-rearing systems on dairy farms and specialist calf rearing units: results of a New Zealand survey
Calf-rearing practices were surveyed on 297 dairy farms with an average of 82 heifer and 24 bull calves reared. Only 21% of
the properties fed colostrum immediately on arrival at the dairy shed, and 30% did not feed their calves for at least 8 hours after
Reducing Calf Morbidity on Dairy and Beef Farms
Reducing Calf Morbidity on Dairy and Beef Farms. A graduate has been co-funded in this company by the European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Ireland under the Border, Midland and Western Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020.
University trial records higher weight gains in meadow hay-fed beef calves
Calves fed hay in conjunction with a high-quality milk replacer have achieved higher weight gains than those offered straw.