Sweet Complete
- Whey milk replacer predominantly deriving from milk proteins for use in twice daily feeding or through an automatic feeder.
- Contains buttermilk which reduces stomach upsets and feed refusals as it acts as an emulsifier enhancing fat breakdown and it contains a lactic acid flavour. Additionally, it can reduce rotavirus infectivity.
- It contains a blend of oils which increases digestibility of fat for the calf; it is important to have a good mix of short, medium and long chained fatty acids. Additionally, it contains a blend of Omega 6:3 that enhances calf ability to combat pneumonia.
Help and Advice
Fighting illness – Frequently Asked Questions
Do calf jackets help prevent disease? What is the best bedding to prevent disease in calves? Is there much of a risk to calf health if you don’t clean out calf pens and keep adding plenty of straw? Find out more in our frequently asked questions.
@CalfChat by Bonanza Calf Nutrition
@CalfChat is an initiative by Bonanza Calf Nutrition whereby farmers can discuss their calf rearing experiences. It is aimed to provide an unbiased platform for farmers to be able to freely share their experiences and ask questions they may not ask otherwise.
Transition milk and Transformula
Transition milk is produced by the cow after colostrum and before regular whole milk. The amount of milkings it can take varies between cows but it is generally milkings 2-6 post-partum.
Contact us
Bonanza Calf Nutrition
Producers of the renowned Shine range of milk replacers for calves and lambs.
© 2017 Bonanza Calf Nutrition Ltd.