Shine Original

Shine Original – the best way to stay in control of your calf rearing

Shine Original is Europe’s number 1 choice for once a day milk feeding.

Once a day milk feeding has been proven worldwide for more than 30 years to produce calves on par with any other calf rearing system available. There are a few caveats.

Calves must be fed a low heat skim-based milk replacer or cow’s milk fortified with a skim-based calf milk to ensure the milk forms a firm curd in the calf’s stomach and is slowly digested throughout the day.

The milk replacer should also contain a blend of plant oils and buttermilk to increase digestion and dry feed intake.

Calves must have access to roughage concentrates and fresh water.

Calves must be fed twice a day for the 1st 28 days.

Why does once a day milk-feeding work so well?

  • Shine Original fed calves receive the same amount of milk powder as twice- a- day calves, but in a smaller volume. The once a day fed calves need to use less energy to excrete this extra liquid and they also eat more dry feed. Total energy intake is therefore higher so performance is better.
  • Feeding calves once a day allows farmers to keep calves in small groups and there is no need to share teats. These two factors alone reduce disease spread and illness significantly.
  • The day is more flexible so calves get more attention allowing sick animals to be treated and isolated faster.

How much time does it free up?

Trials have demonstrated that farmers save 1 hour per calf reared and this is generally higher than on farm experience with computerised feeders.

Calves can be weaned earlier saving money and time. As rumen development is better growth rates post weaning are higher.

Feeding Shine Original

With water -200g/L mixed milk and feed 3-4 L per day

With milk add 50g/L of cow’s milk and feed 3-4L of mixture per day.

Shine Original is used to rear over 250,000 calves every year because it gives more time and more control.

New Feeding system transforms calf rearing at County Kerry dairy farm

A County Kerry dairy farming partnership is securing the future of its herd with a feeding system that allows it to produce excellent heifer replacements.

British Dairying – December 21 Issue

Learn more about the benefits of developing calf’s digestive system in tandem with milk feeding.

British Dairying – May 21 Issue

Achieving profitable returns from bull calf rearing is at the forefront of most dairy farmers minds after the release of the new Red Tractor dairy scheme standard for autumn 2021.

Calves weaning up to 10 days earlier on Shine Once-a-Day milk replacer

Robert Martin and his son-in-law, Glen Crooks, run a beef enterprise near Moy, rearing 150 calves a year. These are mostly finished but some heifers are retained as suckler replacements and sold as bulling heifers.

Use automatic feeders correctly or risk calf health farmers warned

Farmers who rear calves on automatic feeders are being advised to use them correctly or risk creating a cycle of infection that compromises health and performance.

Key benefits of feeding once a day

Using a once a day feed programme has the benefit of saving hugely on labour without any additional cost of investment.

Weavian Farm Testimonial

Cath Ratcliffe moved to West Webbery Farm, Bideford, North Devon in 2013 to enable them to expand their 180 cow herd and to keep their own youngstock as it had previously been a flying herd.

Jerry Moloney Testimonial

Jerry Moloney, who runs a herd of 98 pedigree Holsteins at Nenagh, Co Tipperary, first used Shine Once-A-Day to reduce time and labour in feeding his heifer replacements.

Conor Moloney Testimonial

Practical constraints which had prevented a dairy farmer from rearing milk-fed calves at an off-lying site have been overcome with the introduction of Shine Once-a-Day milk replacer.

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Bonanza Calf Nutrition

Producers of the renowned Shine range of milk replacers for calves and lambs.

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© 2017 Bonanza Calf Nutrition Ltd.