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New recruit

New recruit

We’re delighted to welcome Mollie Phipps to the team. Her practical farming background coupled with her agricultural degree and work in livestock research will be a great asset to the team and our farmer customers.

John Murphy Testimonial

John Murphy Testimonial

A dairy farmer who rears both heifer replacements and beef calves is weaning a week earlier after feeding a specially formulated milk powder during the transition period.

Davey Testimonial

Davey Testimonial

There is increasing realisation that young calves need a different milk from older calves. Cows naturally produce transition milk after colostrum and this offers baby calves more protection and better nutrition. This is the reason Transformula, the only baby milk for baby calves is proving so popular on dairy farm as it designed to replace transition milk.

Dyer Testimonial

Dyer Testimonial

A dairy farming family whose calf rearing system was challenged by cryptosporidium says focusing on diet in the two weeks following birth is playing an important part in calf health.

Gardners Farm Testimonial

Gardners Farm Testimonial

Cases of scour among young calves at a Wiltshire farm have all but disappeared after they were reared on a transition milk replacer for seven days.

Michael Flanagan Testimonial

Michael Flanagan Testimonial

“With the help of shine ewe-reka I can help keep my pre-weaned replacement lambs healthy at the stage when they are most prone to scours and bloat, because the ewe’s milk in Shine Ewe-reka contains specific antibodies against sheep diseases”.

Joe O’Boyle Testimonial

Joe O’Boyle Testimonial

With at least 500 cattle at the farm, calves are fed milk replacer via two computerised feeders. Although Joe has had the feeders for 10 years, he says he has only been getting the best from them since using Compumate®.

Weavian Farm Testimonial

Weavian Farm Testimonial

Cath Ratcliffe moved to West Webbery Farm, Bideford, North Devon in 2013 to enable them to expand their 180 cow herd and to keep their own youngstock as it had previously been a flying herd.

Jerry Moloney Testimonial

Jerry Moloney Testimonial

Jerry Moloney, who runs a herd of 98 pedigree Holsteins at Nenagh, Co Tipperary, first used Shine Once-A-Day to reduce time and labour in feeding his heifer replacements.

Conor Moloney Testimonial

Conor Moloney Testimonial

Practical constraints which had prevented a dairy farmer from rearing milk-fed calves at an off-lying site have been overcome with the introduction of Shine Once-a-Day milk replacer.

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Bonanza Calf Nutrition

Producers of the renowned Shine range of milk replacers for calves and lambs.

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