Hay or Straw?

Hay or Straw? Effect of feeding meadow hay or winter barley straw on the performance of artificially reared dairy-bred beef calves to 12 weeks Abstract Studies at Pennsylvania State University have demonstrated that feeding concentrates to young milk fed calves...

Fuller et al., 2013 Buttermilk+Rotavirus

Milk fat globule membrane isolated from buttermilk or whey cream and their lipid components inhibit infectivity of rotavirus in vitro. Fuller et al., 2013 Abstract Milk fat is encapsulated in a milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) that contains bioactive glycoproteins and...

Benefits to beef production of once-a-day milk replacer feeding

Benefits to beef production of once-a-day milk replacer feeding Abstract A recent trial at Harper Adams University College compared the progress of two groups of Holstein Friesian and Continental x calves on different milk feeding systems – one group fed once a day...