The Eect of Heat Stress on Autophagy and Apoptosis of Rumen, Abomasum, Duodenum, Liver and Kidney Cells in Calves Simple summary: Heat stress causes significant negative responses in the dairy industry. The objective of this study was to assess the eect of heat stress...
A Prospective Study of Calf Factors Affecting Age, Body Size, and Body Condition Score at First Calving of Holstein Dairy Heifers Abstract: Data were collected prospectively on parameters related to first calving on 18 farms located in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This...
Early-life heat stress exposure impacts dairy calf feeding and thermoregulatory behavior Abstract: Heat stress has well-known influences on dairy calf physiology, but less is understood about calf behavioral responses to heat stress. Herein, we evaluated milk replacer...
French Shine Trial on Rumen development Abstract: Sixteen Holstein calves were used to study the effects of two feeding programs (FP) on growth, intake, rumen development and ruminal metabolism from birth to weaning. Two feeding programs based on milk replacer (MR)...
Immune Supporting Properties of Milk Introduction: It has been pointed out in previous articles in this series that infants are not completely dependent on receiving immune support from mother’s milk in the form of antibodies, the star players of the adaptive immune...
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