Upper critical temperature-humidity index for dairy calves based on physiological stress variables Abstract: In this study, upper critical values of the temperature-humidity index (THI) were determined in Holstein bull calves (n = 16) based on noninvasive...
In utero heat stress decreases calf survival and performance through the first lactation Abstract: Calves born to cows exposed to heat stress during late gestation (i.e., the dry period) have lower birth weight and weaning weight and compromised passive immune...
Heat Stress Impacts Immune Status in Cows Across the Life Cycle Abstract: Heat stress has a myriad of effects on dairy cattle across the life cycle. Whereas, the most commonly recognized impacts are associated with production responses, emerging evidence indicates...
The Eect of Heat Stress on Autophagy and Apoptosis of Rumen, Abomasum, Duodenum, Liver and Kidney Cells in Calves Simple summary: Heat stress causes significant negative responses in the dairy industry. The objective of this study was to assess the eect of heat stress...
A Prospective Study of Calf Factors Affecting Age, Body Size, and Body Condition Score at First Calving of Holstein Dairy Heifers Abstract: Data were collected prospectively on parameters related to first calving on 18 farms located in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This...
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