Michael Flanagan Testimonial

Michael Flanagan Testimonial

Shine Ewe-reka helps replacement lambs reach their targets for good performance in the milking herd! 11 DECEMBER, 2017 Michael Flanagan at Rockfield Dairy, Claremorris, in Co Mayo in the west of Ireland is currently milking 200 ewes, rearing his replacements on...
Colostrum Management for lambs

Colostrum Management for lambs

Colostrum Management for lambs Colostrum (beastings) is the first milk secreted from the ewe after birth. Colostrum contains high levels of antibodies, and has much greater total solids content than whole milk. This is due to the greater levels of fat and protein in...
Joe O’Boyle Testimonial

Joe O’Boyle Testimonial

Calves reared on Compumate® hit lifetime performance targets 07 MARCH, 2017 Calves at a Randalstown beef fattening unit are achieving significantly higher liveweight gains and reaching their lifetime performance targets since a milk replacer designed for computerised...
Calving time

Calving time

Calving time Although it may not seem so, the perinatal period is the most risky period in the life of a calf. Getting a live calf on the ground is crucial in all our books, however ensuring the calf doesn’t contract disease when it gets there is another imperative...
Milk feeding for lambs

Milk feeding for lambs

Guide to Milk feeding lambs What is the best milk feeding option for your system? Of course every flock will differ and this will depend on the flock size, amount of labour available, cost, own preference, and how you want the lambs to perform. There are several...